Sunday, April 18, 2010

What Happens When Air is Heated?

When we put the aluminum spiral over the hot plate, it spun. I think this is because when air is heated, it rises. So when the hot air rose and touched the top of the aluminum spiral, it came back down it. This is because aluminum is a conductor of heat. So when the heat touched the top of the spiral it had a domino effect and the heat came down the spiral. Simultaneously, another heat wave is coming up to the top of the spiral while heat is going down it. Because there is constant heat going in the same direction, the spiral was spinning. If the heat stopped, it would stop spinning. It is all because heat rises.
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Can Collapsing Lab

The water in the can boiled because of the increase in heat. The aluminum can also heat up along with the water inside it, because aluminum is a conductor of heat. During the experiment the water took a while to boil. This is because the atoms took some time to start moving faster. Once the water vapor was coming out of the can we could tell it was boiling. So, when we put the can with the water inside it into ice water, the can collapsed. This is because the bouncing atoms hit instant cool. When the hot can suddenly hit ice cold water it collapsed. This is also because of air pressure. When the water was heated, the air pressure in the can was less than the air pressure outside the can, causing it to be unbalanced. The air pressure on the outside was pushing on the can. So when the molecules hit cold water they escaped from the can into the water. The air pressure outside the can pushed with a sudden force causing the can to collapse.
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Why does Popcorn Pop?

The radiation from the microwave helps the popcorn kernels pop because it gives off heat. Inside a kernel there is a little drop of water surrounded by starch and on the outside there is a hard shell. When put in the microwave or any source of heat warming it, the little drop of water turns into water vapor within the kernel. When the water vapor cannot stand to be in the confined space anymore and there is too much pressure, the kernel explodes, making popcorn. The water vapor escapes and that is why there is steam coming out of the bag when you open it.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Article connects to Science

Recently, a marine’s wife gave birth to a premature child. This marine was overseas during the birth and wished to go home on emergency leave to see his sick daughter. Unfortunately, he was denied this privilege and his wife was devastated. The doctor taking care of their daughter insisted that his unit commander give this marine an emergency leave to come see his daughter, because she was extremely sick. But soon enough due to modern science, the marine was told that his child was doing better. The marine must now get special permission to go on a leave, and I personally, I hope he can.
This story along with every other story has some relation to science. In this case, a connection to science is that since the daughter of the marine was born prematurely, she was put into intensive care. This is when the doctors have individual care for the patients and give them special medicines as well as equipment to care for their personal needs while they mature. These medicines and the equipment to care for these babies are science for the reason that people use facts and principles, the basis of science, to create them.
The article:
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TV show connecting to science

One of my favorite TV shows is House. It is about a doctor, Gregory House, and his team trying to help patients. Dr. House is a very unusual character because he does not like communicating with the patients, is very stubborn, and acts like he hates people and hates all his patients. He also has a mood to him that makes him seem like he does not care if the patient gets better or not. This show takes place in the Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital. This show connects to science in many ways. First of all, Dr. House and his team use medicines to cure or treat the diseases and infections. The medicines are made by different kinds of scientists. Also, on House, they use different medicines to calm heart rates and stabilize the patient’s body. Another way this show connects to science is that the team and other doctors on the show use machines and instruments developed to find out what is wrong with a patient. They are also used to enhance to knowledge of science, created by researchers, doctors, and scientists. An additional way House connects to science is that Dr. House has a crippled leg. He takes patients’ unused morphine pills and uses it to stop his leg from paining. Morphine is a pain-reliever that can be dangerous if overdosed. House takes the chance of dying due to a morphine overdose. This relates to science because Morphine is a pharmaceutical drug created with certain chemicals. All in all the show House is a very intense show that is directly and indirectly related to science.
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