Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Extra Credit Quote

"In Science the credit goes to the man who convinces the world, not to the man to whom the idea first occurred. "

Sir William Osler (1849-1919) Canadian physician.

In my opinion, this means that just because someone got an idea and researched it and did all the hard work, it is only right in science world. Now though the whole world has something or the other that has to do with science, not everybody will understand this idea. And, if the people of the world do not understand it, they do not believe it is true and will not publish it and make it known. So, the person that convinces the world that an idea is true usually gets the credit rather than the man whom the idea first occurred. When the world believes it is true, it is surely true.

I got the quote from here.


Chocoholic said...

I don't think that if the world believes something is true, then it is really true because at one point, everyone believed that the world was flat, and that isn't true.

pianoplayer97 said...

Well when the whole world believed it was flat everybody thought it was true. When scientists found that the earth was a sphere no body really thought it was true until somebody proved to them it was.

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