Monday, May 4, 2009

Turner's Syndrome

Turner's Syndrome, discovered by Dr. Henry Turner in 1938, is a genetic disorder found in females. This happens when the X chromosome in female body is absent or, missing. Females are more vulnerable to this disease, unfortunately. Symptoms and possible complications of being a patient with the disease are, short neck with webbed appearance, heart defects, kidney abnormalities, various malformations, heightened incidence of osteoporosis, type II diabetes, hypothyroidism, swollen hands and feet, wide and webbed neck, drooping eyelids, dry eyes, and short height. Treatments for this disease are growth hormones and Estrogen replacement therapy, but there is no cure yet. Sadly, the expected mortality, or death rate of the disease is 3.6. Many females are not expected to live after the age of 17. This disorder affects one out of 2500 females’ worldwide. Personally, this disease made me feel saddened for the people that have it. It makes me feel that I am very privileged, and I would like to know what I could do to help these poor, innocent girls.

I got my information from:

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